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A great mentoring relationship can boost your confidence and challenge your assumptions, and it has the potential to transform your life. Through Johnian Hub, discover the potential for mentoring within your alumni community.

Perhaps you’re at the start of your career facing some big decisions. You think you’d like to work in a particular industry but you want to talk to someone who’s been there already before you take the plunge. Or maybe you’ve reached a junction and you’d benefit from speaking to someone who’s successfully pivoted their own career.

The St John’s College alumni community comprises people working in all sorts of industries; if there’s something you want to do, there’s a high chance another Johnian has relevant experience.

Johnians are also really keen to help other members of their community. On our digital networking platform, Johnian Hub, more than 1000 Johnians have indicated that they are willing to offer professional development help or mentoring. Many of our alumni are driven by a desire to help the next generation. So if you find someone who has relevant experience, they are more than likely willing to share it with you.

Start by taking a read of our tips on how to create a great mentoring relationship. You can also read the mentoring experiences of three Johnians. Then sign in to Johnian Hub and start looking – or if you don’t yet have a profile, now’s the time to create one.

We’d love to hear about your experiences of mentoring in the alumni community, so please get in touch on

Mentoring resources

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Establishing a good mentoring relationship in the Johnian community

Read our tips
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Three Johnians on finding 'the perfect match'

Read their experiences
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Johnian Hub

Create a profile on Johnian Hub to get started

Join Johnian Hub

Finding a mentor on Johnian Hub

Watch the video below to find out how to connect with others on Johnian Hub, or follow our simple instructions to select a mentor.

How to Connect With Other Users from GraduwayTV on Vimeo.