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One year on: Hannah Lawson (2017)

HSPS grad Hannah Lawson undertook an internship with Stephen Timms MP as part of a Christan leadership programme.

Facts over folklore

Dr Daniel Samways (1882) was an eminent Johnian physician who published widely on neurophysiology, cardiology and the medical practice of his time.

Career spotlight: Claire Harbour

Claire Harbour (1983) is a coach, talent advisor and the author of Disrupt Your Career. Here she describes her own path since St John’s and shares her expert perspective on the graduate recruitment market and making big career changes.

Beaufort Society spring meeting 2021

Members of the Beaufort Society enjoyed a welcome talk by Lord Browne of Madingley and a virtual concert performed by current students.

One year on: Shreshth Malik (2016)

NatSci graduate Shreshth Malik has spent a year studying remotely for an MSc in Machine Learning.

Fingerprinting hormones

Dr Nicky Keay (1984) and her husband Gavin Francis (1984) have combined their knowledge and understanding in the fields of medicine and mathematics to create the Female Hormone Mapping app.

St John’s announces ground-breaking plan to offer free university places to country’s most disadvantaged students

St John’s College has launched the UK’s most generous programme to fully-fund the education and living costs at Cambridge University for students from lower-income backgrounds. Read the full announcement for more.

Attending to the soul

Concluding her training as an Integrative Psychotherapist, Rachael Cowie (2001) writes about her therapeutic approach.

Leading from the front

Louis Persent (2008) launched advertising agency Weirdo in 2020. The Architecture grad and athlete explains why.

Sam Davies: profile

Sam talked to the Editor from her boat during the Vendée Globe, an around-the-world sailing race from November to February. Following a serious collision, she continued the course to overcome her fear.