A note from the Vice-Master
Now in the final few days of his role, Vice-Master Professor Tim Whitmarsh reflects on the last few months in College and preparations for the start of an academic year like no other.
Professor Whitmarsh is Director of Studies in Classics Part IA & IB at St John’s s, A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture at the University of Cambridge, and Co-Director of the Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies.
His association with St John’s began in 1997 when he was initially elected to a Research Fellowship. He went on to spend a number of years at the University of Exeter as a Lecturer in Classics, a Reader in Greek Literature and a Professor of Ancient Literatures, before he moved to the University of Oxford in 2007. He returned to St John’s as a Fellow in 2014. Tim served as Vice-Master of St John's for the academic year 2019-20.