The Hong Kong Scholarship is annually awarded to the brightest applicants from Hong Kong. The Scholarship heavily subsidises the cost of the recipient’s tuition, accommodation, travel and course materials for the entirety of their degree. Selection of the Scholarship recipients is based on academic excellence, potential and financial need.
By offering financial assistance equal to that of our international counterparts, we can continue to attract, support and retain the most talented students from Hong Kong, and we can maintain our pre-eminent position as a world-class educator.
The St John’s Hong Kong Scholarship reaches out to the brightest and most ambitious students from all over Hong Kong to fulfil their dreams of studying at Cambridge. This is not only an amazing opportunity for the students and the schools in Hong Kong but it is also fantastic for the College as a global institution to strengthen our links with Hong Kong.
Dr Matthias Dörrzapf, St John’s College Director of International Programmes and Director of Studies in Mathematics
Tax benefits for Johnians living in Hong Kong
The College has partnered with the Hong Kong Foundation for Charities Ltd (HKFC), an organisation that facilitates philanthropic support of educational charities in the UK. This means that Hongkongers are able to support St John’s and its students tax-effectively.
When making a donation to St John’s of HK$100 or more through HKFC, Hong Kong taxpayers can claim a deduction up to a combined total of 35% of their taxable income. Once the donation is received, HKFC will issue you with a receipt for the full gift amount in HK$.
In order to ensure that you receive these tax benefits, simply state the total amount donated when filing your tax returns. There is no need to itemise your charitable donations if you give to more than one charity; however, you must ensure that you keep all donation receipts.

Your donation ensures that future generations of Hong Kong students have the opportunity to live, learn and thrive at St John’s whatever their financial background.
Johnians living in Hong Kong have traditionally been hugely generous supporters of the College. We hope this will continue and that you will feel moved to support the Hong Kong Scholarship, ensuring that the College remains an inclusive community offering unrivalled opportunities globally.