It has been fantastic to see so many alumni on the banks of the Cam cheering on our crews during the recent May Bumps campaign. This year has seen an historic set of results from the club. Like every year, we send our immense gratitude to the LMBCA, alumni, coaches, College and the student committee, without whom none of this would be possible. Next year’s May Bumps week will mark the bicentenary of LMBC and we hope to celebrate with many of you there. Please see below for a summary of the planned events (full details to follow).
The annual Henley Royal Regatta LMBC alumni picnic will be taking place on Friday 5 July 2024, kindly organised by Henrietta Butler. This will take place on the Cricket Field (look for the LMBCA gazebo and a red car) during the lunch interval, and all alumni and guests are warmly invited. There is no need to bring anything along. Please contact Henrietta ( for further information.

Viva Laeta
Jo Matthews and Harry Fieldhouse
LMBC Honorary Secretaries
LMBC May Bumps 2024 report
2024 saw an incredible bumps campaign from LMBC, with our M1 crew taking back Mays headship on day one! (Head to the LMBC Instagram page to see an impressive bump video). The club celebrated with the customary boat burning at the Mays Boat Club Dinner, for the first time since 2018.

Credit: 2052 Photos

M2 had a strong bumps campaign, ending with a +1 position on the bumps charts, moving them to 12th on the river, the only second boat to be in Division 1. M3 finished -2 on the bumps charts, moving them to 17th in Division 3, surrounded by strong M1 and M2 crews. They finished as the 4th third boat on the river.

The women’s side had an equally impressive campaign. W1 bumped Caius on day one of bumps, to temporarily move them up to 2nd on the river, the highest they have been since 1994. On the third day they were bumped back by Caius but stayed strong to row over at 3rd on the river, surrounded by strong crews. W2 moved down 2 places to finish at 2nd in Division 3. W3 had a great week of racing, moving up 2 positions to finish 6th in Division 4.

In a fantastic turnout for the club, we had three additional crews racing on the Cam. The Eagles boat had a very successful campaign, moving up 4 spaces on the river and earning technical blades. On the final day of bumps, they bumped our Redboys crew, who moved down 4 spaces. Finally, the Fellows and staff boat fantastically represented the club and on the final day bumped out of ‘footship’ on the river. A special mention also to our second Fellows and staff boat, who did not get on to may bumps but had a great term of training and racing together.

On day three of May bumps, for the first time since 1829, LMBC held both headship and footship positions on the river!
2025 Bicentenary celebrations
In early April we will be inviting alumni back to race The Head of The Cam 2025, followed by a celebration at the LMBC boathouse. Further details will be circulated when the race date is announced.
May Bumps 2025 will run from 18–21 June 2025, and we hope to have a large LMBC contingency to cheer our crews on from the bank!
We will be hosting a large bicentenary celebration dinner in College on Saturday 13 September, which we hope will be a fantastic opportunity for crew reunions and celebrations.
The LMBCA are working hard to organise an LMBC gathering and celebration on one of the days at Henley Royal Regatta, which will be in early July next year. Full details to follow closer to the time.