Date & Time
Sunday 22 May
12pm – 5.30pm
You’re welcome to bring a guest, but please note that due to a reduced capacity in Hall, numbers are heavily restricted this year.
Dress code
Smart casual
Limited parking will be available on the Queen’s Road Playing Fields from 9am until 8pm. Vehicles are left at the owner’s risk.
Booking deadline
Monday 9 May
Donor Day 2022
The Master and Fellows of St John’s College are delighted to invite you to this year’s Donor Day on Sunday 22 May. We look forward to finally welcoming donors into College again, in deep gratitude for the support you’ve given since the start of the 2020/21 academic year.
12pm: Welcome drinks in the Central Hall of the Old Divinity School.
1pm: Lunch in Hall.
3pm: Combined session in the Main Lecture Theatre of the Old Divinity School (or alternative option, as described below).
4:15pm: Afternoon Tea in the Central Hall of the Old Divinity School.
5.30pm: Event closes.
(optional) 6:30pm: Evensong in the Chapel.
Bookings are now closed for this event.
Afternoon activities
This year we will be offering a combined afternoon session with two parts that will both take place in the Main Lecture Theatre. All guests are welcome to attend both parts, and there will be a short break between them.

The power of genome sequencing with Professor Sharon Peacock
As an expert in genome sequencing in diagnostic and public health microbiology, Sharon will discuss the important role of genomics in battling COVID-19 and other pathogens. She has won multiple awards including a CBE for services to medical microbiology (2015), the Unilever Colworth Prize for her outstanding contribution to translational microbiology (2018) and the Medical Research Council Millennium Medal (2021). Sharon is Professor of Public Health and Microbiology in the Department of Medicine, Executive Director of the COVID-19 Genomics UK consortium and a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences. She has also been named an Honorary Fellow of St John’s College.

Looking ahead: a student interviews the Master, Heather Hancock (1984)
Paula Espada Blanco (2019) will sit down with the Master to hear about her hopes and plans for the future of St John’s College. Now in her second year as Master, Heather is enthusiastic about her wide-reaching goals for the College, including Free Places and our strides toward greater sustainability. Paula is a Studentship and Bursary recipient reading Human, Social, and Political Sciences, and last year she served as the Junior Combination Room (JCR) President.
Alternative Activity 3:00–4:10pm
Students’ Art & Photography Exhibition and ambling around College grounds
If you prefer some quieter time away from the larger group, pop in to view the Library’s exhibition of our students’ art and photography, and stir up fond memories as you stroll through the College grounds.
Coronavirus safety
The College continues to prioritise keeping people safe and maintaining confidence in our risk management measures. We want you to have a good experience on site and for our staff to remain confident in working here. We will continue to monitor the risk and adapt our plans in response as needed.
The College reserves the right to amend its policies in response to the changing situation and to put in place appropriate measures to manage any risk to our community or the operation of College. We will communicate this to attendees as necessary.